Thin film solar panels

Solar power system

Solar battery charger

Solar water heater

Solar lighting

Solar shingles

Solar pool heater

Solar cells




Solar Power for Homes

Solar power for homes is now becoming not only possible but highly desirable. Other green energy options are also becoming more common.

This section of looks at solar power and other green energy options for the home.

Solar power - a realistic option?

There are many packages available that make some kinds of solar power a realistic option for families. The truth is that many of these packages are far from cheap and the payback times may be long. Fortunately, there are government grants available in many countries.


The beauty of solar power is that the energy source itself is free. (We all benefit from solar power every day whenever we eat because converting sunlight into stored energy is what every plant and animal does as its birthright.)

But solar power for homes as a source of heat or electrical energy is relatively new. The equipment you need to access solar power in your home is certainly not free. The start-up costs can be high (for photovoltaics, for example) and it may be many years before you can count your investment as fully returned to you as endless free energy. Not all systems are maintenance-free, either , so this is another aspect which needs to be factored into your decision on what to buy.

Solar power for RVs, caravans and boats may be a practical step for people who would, perhaps, not yet consider it for their main home where the power of the grid is readily available.

In this section of we explore solar options and other alternative energy sources to try to clarify what is worth doing and what is not. There are a lot of fast-buck outfits jumping on the solar bandwagon, so it's good to know a little about what you are buying into.

Read on for articles on solar power and other green energy ideas.

Green energy articles

Cheap solar power This page outlines some of the benefits of solar water heating systems and describes how they operate.

The best solar ovens for home use A solar cooker can be a practical and cost-effective way of cooking food for some people - read here about the different types.

DIY solar power for hot water is a round-up of some of the approaches to home made solar power systems





Solar Electricity Home Use – Solar Power – Solar Energy.

By bretparker   United States of America    Contact publisher via email

Environment: Alternative Energy September 18, 2009

Solar Electricity Home Use Solar Power Solar Energy. Create Solar Electricity as an alternative to using power generated from the earth's fossil fuels. The Earth is the natural supplier of solar power



( September 18, 2009 --

The sun provides enough solar energy in sixty minutes of the day that would supply the world's energy needs 30 years.

Solar electricity

is generated from solar panels and the only way to create this solar electricity is to make your own residential solar panels and install the diy solar panels as a home power system that can include wind power and you will need to construct or build a home wind power turbine generator.

Solar power is a practical Alternative Power Source.

An average home has more than enough roof area to produce enough solar electricity to supply all of its power needs. The solar power home with an installed off grid inverter converts direct current (DC) power from the solar cells to alternating current (AC), which is what most home appliances use.

A solar power home with a grid tie inverter, the inverter still converts DC electricity into AC used to power every day home appliances but excess solar electricity generated can be fed back to the power grid and sold back to the power companies.

Inexhaustible resource, yet harnessing the solar energy is a relatively new idea but
starting to grow in popularity all over the world as the power for the future.

Power electricity from solar energy - Solar energy is a free.

"photovoltaic” (PV) cells were developed that could convert light into power electricity. It was realized that the sun's energy could produce a "photovoltaic effect. Photovoltaic power remains a curiosity for many home owners wanting to reduce their power bills and save the environment and live the green alternative life style.
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Solar technology advanced.

Only in the last few decades when growing energy demands, increasing environmental problems and declining fossil fuel resources made us look to alternative energy options.

Solar energy has a great potential for the future.

Solar power produces electricity directly without moving parts. Today's photovoltaic system is composed of solar cells made of silicon, the second most abundant element in the earth's crust. Power is produced when sunlight strikes the semiconductor material and creates an electric current (amps).

The smallest part of the system is a solar cell. Solar Cells wired together form a module, and modules wired together form a panel. A group of panels is called an array.

Advantages of photovoltaic solar power electricity.

One of the most advancing renewable energy sources in the world. It is non-polluting, has no moving parts that could break down, requires little maintenance and no supervision, and has a life of 20-30 years with low running costs.

No large-scale home installation is required to benefit from solar power. Remote areas can easily produce their own supply of solar electricity by making a small panel array or building a large home solar power system to run their homes.
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